Friday, February 21, 2020

What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy Essay - 1

What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy implementation - Essay Example The researchers of this generation have identified that the research implementation process is not as simple as it is thought to be and there are a lot of complications that need to be considered. This generation has identified that there are several factors that are involved in the implementation of policy and these factors somehow influence the policy implementation therefore it is important to identify and consider these factors as well (Hill, 1997) On the other hand, the second generation is a bit realistic and it is considered as the classical generations to be too pessimistic. The scholars in the second generations are Berman, O’Toole and O’Toole and Montjoy, Hjern and Porter, and Tasmanian and Sabatier. This generation has kept its focus on the top-bottom approach and bottom-top approach. This generation has debated whether the top-bottom approach or bottom-top approach should be implemented for successful results. This generation has demonstrated that the implementation is a political process and to a great extent ignored other factor which has been later criticized by the third generation (Pitts, 2006). The last but not the least generation is the third generation or the analytical generation. This last generation is called the analytical generation as the researchers in this generation have more focused on the methods being used rather than the results that have been achieved. This generation has been criticized both the previous generations for ignoring the social factors. This generation called for better methods and more social factors within the implementation process. It could be said that this generation was not concerned regarding the failure or success of the process but were more interested in learning and understanding how the process works. This generation was more focused on improving the methods and procedures that could used to implement the policy successfully. Implementation,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Medical Marijuana - Essay Example I, therefore, agree with the medical findings on the use of marijuana for medical reasons and the benefits of medical marijuana. The use and legalization of marijuana have led to controversies in the society. These controversies consist of opposing views on medical marijuana; there are those who are in support of its use and legalization and those who are against its use and believe its use should be banned. According to studies done thoroughly by the medical research and studies, the use of marijuana does show positive signs of relief when used in the treatment of various medical illnesses. Diseases such as arthritis, depression, HIV, cancer and other chronic conditions affect a huge percentage of the society’s population today. With no treatment at all or few treatment and cures for these medical conditions, the use of medical marijuana has been a good alternative to alleviate the suffering faced by these people having these illnesses. Marijuana content contains ingredient referred to as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is active. After smoking marijuana, this ingredient gives the individual a  "high† feeling. According to the American Cancer Society, the active ingredient in marijuana helps in reducing pain and other cancer symptoms. With these concrete research report, the FDA has agreed on the use of tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana for therapeutic and medical purposes (Anderson, Hansen, & Rees, 2012). Despite the fact marijuana, use for medical reasons may have positive effects on some medical illnesses and conditions; on the other hand, it also has its negative effects. Most of the population in the society knows that marijuana is an illegal drug. Approximately seventy-eight percent of marijuana users in the society smoke marijuana for recreational purposes as well as personal enjoyment. For this purpose, this drug is made illegal in most countries. The law