Sunday, May 24, 2020

China s Health Care System - 1585 Words

According the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, â€Å"everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself†¦ including†¦medical care.† Although it is universal right, is quality health care easily accessible throughout the world? Britain, a developed nation, provides citizens with universal health care under the NHS (National Health Care System). This system has led to long wait times for patients and inadequate quality of care due to an excess of patients and a decline of doctors. Mongolia’s developing health care system grants citizens primary health care. However, due to Mongolia’s disperse and nomadic populations, citizens in rural areas do not receive the same health care†¦show more content†¦However, due to a shortage of doctors and overflow of patients, the NHS struggles to provide health care. Having to treat many patients a day, doctors are overworked. Thus, many d octors are leaving Britain in search of a better work-life balance (Cooper). This decrease of doctors is increasing wait times for patients. Only 5% of ER patients in British hospitals are treated within four hours (Barker). Doctors are so overworked that they are becoming a threat to their patients. The Mid Staffordshire hospital had 400 – 1,200 patients die between January 2005 and March 2009 due to neglect associated with doctors’ fatigue and overload (Atlas). Furthermore, NHS rationing has led to regulation of drugs. Britain has a low use of cancer drugs and a low cancer survival rate, calling to question their drug distribution. Some believe that this rationing is to limit expenses, due to the many cancer patients the NHS must treat (157, Merino). In a response to staff shortages, the NHS has hired 3,000 oversea doctors. This dependence on foreign trained doctors has led to financial pressures from difficulty in recruiting and preserving a permanent staff (Campbel l). In order to develop permanent staff, the NHS must increase incentives for health care workers, such as higher pay and benefits, to encourage more careers in health care. After the Mid Staffordshire Hospital scandal, the NHS made 290 recommendations for

Monday, May 18, 2020

Care Planning - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2158 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? The paper will evaluate Mrs. B. a woman aged 79 who was suffering a cerebral vascular accident that led to hemiplegia (Karomed, 2017). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Care Planning" essay for you Create order For several years the woman was not able to move and depended on his sister for her daily care and movement. Her sister fed Mrs. B, after several years she developed pressure damage on her heels. This made her to known to the district nursing services (Karomed, 2017). However, the pressure ulcers healed, but she developed a grade three pressure ulcer to her sacrum and graded three ulcers to her left buttock.   Mrs. B. was nursed on a emergency mattress suitable for the individual at great danger of emerging pressure ulcers; she used this equipment for fifteen months where the pressure ulcers were healed. But she was exposed to high danger of emerging pressure ulcers. This is due to her condition worsened and pressure ulcers to her sacral region returned (Karomed, 2017). The clinical signs of the infections failed to respond to oral antibiotics and thus required to be admitted for intravenous antibiotic therapy. Care Planning A plan of care is something which simply describes the services as well as support offered. They should be put together and agreed upon by the care receiver through the course of care organization. Agreeing on a plan of care with social and health care professionals’ means that an individual is capable of talking about their situation and how their life is affected ( It also helps in understanding on what individuals want to accomplish in their life and the things that can be done by the subjects upon the right support. The care plan which is agreed upon should be as a result of an interactive process between the subject and the care provider. In some scenarios for example Mrs. B. case, some care plans are developed without involving the subject fully due to their inability to participate. However, efforts are made to consult and communicate with them. Care plans are developed to help the recovery of complications by patients hence enabling them to lead normal lives. Pressure ulcers are examples of these complications as seen below.   Factors to consider in developing a care plan are the primary assessment results of a patient. The medical history of the client is important to know to choose the best management system. According to Guy (2017), an assessment is important as it helps in checking the nutrition status of the patient, mobility, the supply of the blood, signs of systemic infections amongst physiological and social factors. Mrs. B. wound assessment was important to determine, amount and type of exudates, smell as well as the stage of infection regarding grade (Dowsett, Groemann Harding, 2015). This helps in determining the dressing to be done, amongst other factors. The assessment is thus essential as it presents key issues to be put into consideration while planning a care program. Pressure sores are also denoted to as bed sore or pressure wounds. They are reported to occur in the damage of the skin and the underlying tissues. In extreme cases, the underlying muscles and bones may also get damaged (Reddy, 2014). This disease is said to affect Mrs. B. who was not able to move parts of her body or even the whole body either due to paralysis, illnesses and advanced age. Pressure ulcers are reported to be widely spread, although they have been underestimated health problems. In the United Kingdom, about 4-10 percent of patients admitted in hospitals are reported to develop at least one pressure ulcer (Direct Healthcare). This statistics, however, goes even rises to about 70 percent for the aged individuals with mobility difficulties. Pressure ulcers in some cases present an insignificant problem that may be managed with some modest nursing care. In this cases, the ulcer damages the skin, thereby, leading to a life threatening conditions such as wide spread blood infection and death of body tissues ( There are mainly two objectives when it comes to caring of individuals claimed to be at danger of emerging pressure sores. These include prevention of the development of ulcers by use of special equipment and dressings in addition to changing of patient’s position. Also, treatment of the present pressure sores by use of antibiotics, surgery as well as improved nutrition. Conferring to Tamparo (2016), other than the hipbone, several other areas that are reported to be at danger of emerging pressure sores include genitals in men, breasts in women, rims of years, elbows, shoulders, back of the head, ankles, lower back, heels, and toes. The reason for them contracting the disease is due to lack of bod y fat cover, in addition to the direct connection with the supportive surface like wheelchair and beds. Wheelchair users are claimed to be at great danger of evolving pressure sores at their buttocks, spine, shoulder blades, tailbone and back of their legs and arms. The grading system is used by the health care professionals with the aim of unfolding the severity of pressure ulcers. Grade one ulcer is the said to be the artificial kind of ulcer. The region of the skin infected looks to be bruised. It is seen to be red among the whites while purple or blue to those individuals with skins that are dark coloured. The skin is also said to remain intact, though it may itch or hurt (Therattil, Pastor, Granick, 2013). In some cases, it also has a spongy and warm feel other than getting hard. In the second category of the pressure ulcer, the epidermis, as well as dermis, get damaged leading to the loss of the skin. The ulcer thus appears as a blister or an open wound. In the third category, pressure ulcers lead to loss of skin leading to the damaging of the underlying tissues (Jiang et al., 2014). Muscles and bones may not be damaged even though the ulcer seems as a profound hollow wound. Grade four sore of pressure is the severe utmost kind of sore. T he membrane looks injured, and the nearby tissues begin to deceased. The essential muscles and bones get damaged, hence leading to a life threatening infection. The pressure ulcer may be produced by pressure, friction, shave or either a mixture of all. The cost of treatment, however, depends on its severity. It is estimated to cost up to about 4 percent of its healthcare expenditure (Bhattacharya Mishra, 2015). Other risks factors include cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and paralysis of the limbs, malignancy, and heart failure among others. In adults, pressure ulcers are said to occur in bony areas such as sacrum (Coleman et al., 2013). The pressure ulcer patients should thus receive an initial and ongoing assessment which includes; person’s general physical condition and ulcers should be assessed together since they are closely related, previous damage by similar condition, photographs to accompany the assessment, psychological as well as social factors among others. In the management of grade three ulcers, patients should be referred to a specialized service. Healing is, however, not a fast process. So long as the patient has enough pressure distribution, appropriate management of the wound and good nutrition, the ulcer is said to heal in most of the cases (Langer Fink, 2014). Management also involves the repositioning of the patient, treatment of the coexisting condition that may delay the healing process and also the management of the wound using the advanced wound dressings among other technologies as seen in Mrs. B case. Individualized care planning is said to aim at putting people on an equal footing with health and the social care experts, moving into doing with from doing to. The care planning is said to follow a health and a collective care assessment of the requirements and is said to consume more time other than being more comprehensive. According to Oleske (2014), my client’s health care planning process, information on how the condition affected his life was collected including the support that the needed to decide on the best method of managing his condition. Providing Mrs. B with the test results information enabled her to reflect as well as helping in preparing her for the more answers during the probing process (Parker, 2017). The care plan, thus, included the results of the brief discussion between Mrs. B including the lists of the actions agreed. He, therefore, owned the plan and kept a copy of it in which he had a choice on who was to have a look at the plan and who should not. For instance, older adults with diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease are always detailed and contain information on their medication and emergencies as well as the information on their health and well-being (Coulter, et al., 2013). From the care planning, my role was to enable my client to live independently, be able to control their lives as far as he could, enjoy the best life quality as he could and also take part in the society on an equal level. This is in addition to keeping much self-worth and respect as possible. Since the sacral region is at high risk of further skin breakdown and infection, a lot of care was taken to avoid contamination of the wound from urine and faecal matter. My choice was a hydrophilic dressing on the wound since the area was complicated to dress (Chu Tsai, 2016). In doing so, a zinc oxide paste was the one used as it helped in absorbing adequate amounts of exudates. Evaluation of the progress of healing was done in four weeks to determine whether there is an improvement or not. Despite this, the weekly assessment was important to discover early complications that necessitate changing of the treatment plan ( Administration of the antibiotics to the patient to avoid infections from bacteria was also done. This was an important care practice to avoid development of secondary infections. An antiseptic cream may, however, be applied on the ulcer to kill the present bacteria causing infections. Proper nutrition was adopted according to Thomas (2014), to ensure an improved rate of healing. Dietary supplements that included vitamin C, zinc and proteins were used. An individualized care plan was important as a care plan was developed following a discussion between the client and the care provider. Individualized care plan offers flexibility in the care provision as different individuals have different preferences (Mariani et al., 2017). In standardized care plan, a guideline is available which states on how a patient with a certain illness like the stage three of the pressure ulcers should be treated (Health Catalyst). The standardized plan may not offer solutions to new developments in comparison to individualized care. Again, the patient was elderly and was diabetic. The care planning program had to take into consideration of these other two factors. Management of the blood sugar level in the body was also a concern while ensuring that the patient was able to move. The movement was important in ensuring that the contact area to the supporting surface was often changing to prevent the eruption of another pressure ulcer in other parts of the b ody. Conferring to Reid, Ayello Alavi (2016), the patient had a reduced appetite due to medication which led the importance of further consultation with a doctor. Standardized care thus difficult to adopt as the condition of the patient differs from one individual to another. The process of treatment and disease management was, however, successful due to the application of multidisciplinary approach in the patient’s treatment. This was dressing of the wound combined with nutrition and management of diabetes which is a disease claimed to be a risk factor that may lead to pressure ulcers (Langer Fink, 2014). Physiotherapy was also another discipline that was applied in the management of the two conditions. This enabled the repositioning of the patient to allow pressure distribution in other body parts and thus avoiding direct pressure on the ulcer wounds. In conclusion, care planning is important for management of diseases and Mr. B. should actively participate in their development. This makes them own the plans hence ensuring routine follow up. Individualized care planning is the best in comparison to standardized care plan since it offers flexibility and thus becoming friendly to the clients. Grade three pressure sacrum ulcer is an advanced stage of pressure ulcer that needs professionalized care treatment. In so doing, as a nursing professional active participation in developing a care plan and implementing it was important. Hydrophilic dressings for the wound were important in ensuring the wound was not wet for a quick recovery. The paste offered a good option as it was easy to apply. Supplements, on the other hand, provided the nutrients required by the patient for management of both diabetes and grade three sacrum ulcers. Before developing a care plan, a prior assessment is important as it helps to know the issue affecting Mrs. B   regarding her nutrition status, stage of the wound, type and amounts of exudate if present, other infections among other several considerations.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Marriage Pattern of the Gbandi Tribe - 3370 Words

Introduction The Gbadi tribe settles in Lofa County, they practice both traditional and western marriage. I BENEDICT S. KPEHE belong to this tribe. Here in I will discuss the mate selection and marriage pattern of tribal group in Liberia taking the Gbandi tribe as case study. Marriage, in the Gbandi tribe and any other tribal group in Liberia is socially recognized and approved union between individuals, who commit to one another with the expectation of a stable and lasting intimate relationship. It begins with a ceremony known as a wedding, which formally unites the marriage partners. In Liberia traditional society, this union is arranged by parents (Arranged marriage). Arranged marriage is the process of the parent selecting mate†¦show more content†¦Leadership was base on the size of the family. In the tradition wedding beliefs of the Gbandi people like other tribe of Liberia the man is allow to marry as many wives as he can. General governance of the house hold involves male control in theory , but practical day to day domestic management is allocated to the woman. The first wife become the head wife and holds the greatest status, but the last or recent wife is the favorite; probably because, the recent woman is young and attractive to the man at the time. Once the man married his first wife, mate selection for her husband becomes her responsibility. The man ask his wife to propose marriage to a woman he admire. On the other hand, the sees a beautiful and hard working girl and she propose marriage on behave of her husband. The woman justified that the house work is too much for her and that she needs a help mate. The tradition Gbandi social order is fundamentally based on polygyny and prior to the influence of western culture, most man aimed for attained control over several wives, large house hold with many wife and children established the social foundation for man to assume the prestigious status of big house hold and economic basis for controlling substantial productive operation. With these assets, man establishes himself as important member or leader in the community. The Gbandi beliefs in endogamous marriage meaning they marry within their

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Clash of Civilizations and Silent Language in Overseas Business Essay

Essays on The Clash of Civilizations and Silent Language in Overseas Business Essay The paper â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations and  Silent Language in Overseas Business" is an  intriguing example of an essay on social science. As the world evolves so does the form of conflict, in this evolution conflict has taken many different forms. These forms or grounds of conflict have been territorial, economic, and ideological. These grounds were made the basis for a conflict by kings, armies, and nations. But after the cold war, these forms became obsolete and thus a new metamorphosis of conflict was desired.Most recently conflict has taken a new form that focuses on cultural differences between civilizations as the basis for conflict. Civilizations being the embodiment of a culture are in a constant state of flux. These civilizations will try to avoid the state of flux, as the flux will bring with it changes in the underlying culture, which is unacceptable to any civilisation. The primary variable of culture that needs protection from its civilisation is religion. It i s this variable that gets expressed when two different civilizations come head to head. With the world becoming a global village, different civilisations are coming in frequent contact with one another. This fact is creating the tension in the air, as more these civilizations interact more chances there are that one of them would take initiative to obliterate the other.Most of this tension is fuelled by fundamentalists (of every civilization), who seek to prevent the abomination of civilizations. This fight for dominance of culture exists not only at the national level but also at the people’s level; both levels working in unison to achieve superiority of their culture.Globalization has brought with it regionalism, which initially had an economic interest as its basis, but later on, it has taken the commonality of cultures as its governing factor. With this fact germinating and the fact discussed earlier, it is becoming quite evident that now the fight between cultures would seek to take control of world institutions, for strategic victory. Whichever civilization succeeds in gaining this strategic advantage, it would be in a place to dominate the rest of the cultures and their civilizations.International business has taken the front seat in advancing the differences among cultures. This environment of business requires transcending one’s own culture into someone else’s culture, creating an opportunity for interaction between different civilizations. When this happens the subjects present on the ground experiences the underlying differences between their individual civilizations. Thus, after realizing the fundamental difference they turn to their own civilisations, remaining suspicious of the other person’s affiliation.

HR Policy Manual Research Paper - 2584 Words

Human Resources Policy Research Paper Liberty University Rebecca Craighead Abstract All companies must develop, identify, and utilize appropriate human resource policies. These policies are a vital part of running any business. However, it is imperative that each company understands that their human resource functions must be created to meet the unique needs of that company and therefore cannot be lumped together into one tactic. Each company is different based on their size and the nature of their business which requires applicable human resource tactics based on the needs of each individual company. This paper is written to discuss the important aspects of a human resource policy for a small business of 15 to 20 employees.†¦show more content†¦(Richards, 2014) These processes also offer a more cost friendly option because it will result in reduced costs in the area of turnover, new employee recruitment, candidate selection, employee hiring, and productivity procedures. (Gà ³mez-Mejà ­a, Balkin, Cardy, 2012) Even after the selection and hirin g of staff members, the company still must ensure appropriate action is taken when it comes to employee transfers, promotions and maintaining secure and confidential records of such procedures. Human resource records, also known as personnel files, are a great tool to have when ensuring appropriate transfer and promotions decisions are being made. Personnel records should be made for every employee in order to store information such as performance evaluations, pay changes, disciplinary actions and trainings. (Gà ³mez-Mejà ­a, Balkin, Cardy, 2012) Employee processes help to create a strong workforce, improve performance, and reduce expenses which makes these processes a very important part of human resource policy because they necessitate compliance with both employment laws and regulations. When human resource laws are violated by a company, the organization can incur serious financial liabilities as well as issues with public relations both of which negatively impact the company . (Gà ³mez-Mejà ­a, Balkin, Cardy, 2012)Show MoreRelatedâ€Å"a Proposed Human Resource Information System Solution for the Agricultural Development Bank†.1235 Words   |  5 PagesInformation System Solution for the Agricultural Development Bank†. Executive Summary There are approximately 110 employees at the Bank. At present there are few formal Human Resource policies and procedures in place. Management is looking for a solution that can handle at least the following day to day HR functions: ï  ® Time Keeping ï  ® Vacation ï  ® Holidays ï  ® Leaves for sickness and other reasons ï  ® Evaluation and Performance appraisals ï  ® Recruitment In addition, the following featuresRead MoreCase Study Analysis Comm/2151460 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study Analysis for ABC, Inc. 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Machavelli Biography Essay Example For Students

Machavelli Biography Essay Lately, the president of the United States Bill Clinton, has pursued some policies that have been very unpopular not only with the general public but the electorate as well. Besides the whole Monica ordeal he feels that these unpopular policies will effect the results of the next election. The presidential advisors have formulated countless plans but no plan has seemed to work. One idea would be to leave the unpopular policies as they are because of the president and advisors belief that they are the best for the country. Another option would be to just present the unpopular policies in a new way to maybe change public opinion on them. Still another would be to just ignore the policies and concentrate on the election. No matter what option , if any, should be chosen one must be thought up quick and it must not only address the problem but solve it and fast. Since I have recently learned about Machiavelli and his work titled The Prince I feel his opinions would help to influence some decisions for the president and his advisors. A first and very important view of Machiavelli would be his view of the prince and his advisors. It is an infallible rule that a prince who is not wise himself cannot be well advised.p.117 As it is up to the prince to be well advised it is also up to the president to be well advised as well. The presidents advisors, as well as the president, are not sure what actions to take, which in Machiavellis view would not be a good characteristic of a leader and as a result would not help gain friendship of the people. Good relationship with the people is one of his greatest points because without the people there is no leader. The leader, the president, must have the support of the people and if not he will not stay in power long. The president is not doing a good job of this because of his very unpopular policies. Machiavelli would never choose to just continue on the same path and peruse unpopular policies. It is necessary for a prince to possess the friendship; otherwise he has no recourse in times of adversity.p.65 In response to this he would abandon the unpopular policies and concentrate on winning the election, keeping the people happy. Not only should the leader concentrate on the present and the future but consider the past. The prince ought to read history and study the actions of eminent men, examine the causes of their victories and defeat in order to imitate the former and avoid the latter.p.82 History is bound to repeat itself if not watched very carefully. The leader must avoid repeating the blunders of the past and take note of the victories preceding him. Another view that would help the president out in his policies would be Machiavellis view on boldness. The leader is far better of to be bold instead of cautious. If you expect  for the worse and be prepared for bad times even if its not the best strategy you will be better off in the long run. For if it happens that time and circumstances are favourable to one who acts with caution and prudence he will be successful, but if time and circumstances change he will be ruined, because he does not change his mode of procedure.p. 121 The leader must at all times be prepared for the worst so he does not get caught off guard and make the people mad. If these views of Machiavelli seem straight forward or to direct maybe Leo Strauss or J.G.A. .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .postImageUrl , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:hover , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:visited , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:active { border:0!important; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:active , .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u256db24ec0dcbf64d10d147e1bd6efac:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drug and Alcohol Abuse EssayPocock could explain these methods of leadership to the president. Pocock would elaborate on the subject of historical awareness. He could help the president understand that we have to look to our past to help better ourselves for the future. Strauss on the hand would compare Machiavelli to the greeks and thier writtings. He would go in depth though about how the greeks, Mr. T in particular, were kings in understatements while Machiavelli was very straightforward in his writtings. After presenting these views to the president I hope my knowledge of Machiavelli and his way of thinking could help influence the policies in place and maybe help the president win the up coming election. Maybe after my essay is read and I graduate Southwest Texas with a Political Science degree maybe I could get a job at the White House and someday take over his job.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Red Bull Marketing Essay free essay sample

A case study of the world’s most successful energy drink It may be ranked consistently among the worst in taste tests, and is rumoured to be a health risk, but Red Bull’s dominance over the energy drink market actually depends on such rumours. This company only manufactures and markets one product – and has become very good at it, being at the forefront of popular culture without being too outlandish. How did a traditional recipe from Thailand take over the world and become the world’s number one energy drink? Introduction to Red Bull and its Marketing Environment Corporate legend has it that its founder, Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz was on a business trip in Thailand when he spotted a business opportunity with the local â€Å"energy drinks†. An energy drink called Krating Daeng, or Red Bull in Thai, caught his attention for curing his jet lag. At the time, Krating Daeng had already built a loyal following among Thai blue-collar workers such as taxi drivers by helping them stay alert during long and irregular working hours. We will write a custom essay sample on Red Bull Marketing Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sold on the drink’s effectiveness, he brought some samples home to Austria where he could gain greater clarity on the kind of business and marketing plan required to implement the â€Å"Big Idea† called Red Bull. In 1984, he co-founded Red Bull GmbH in Austria with Chaleo Yoovidhya, the owner of Krating Daeng. Armed with marketing and scientific know-how, Red Bull would take over the world as a product that defined its category. Red Bull is the current market leader in the energy drinks market, a category it helped define. It holds 40% market share. Competitors may or may not be in this category because the beverages business depends on products in adjacent categories which are interdependent. As a first-mover product that defines the energy drinks category, category perceptual mapping must factor in Red Bull, by which a favourable marketing strategy for competitors would be to avoid direct competition. While some other competitor companies, such as the Coca Cola Company and, rely on umbrella branding and brand extensions to market their products, Red Bull GmbH strictly sells one main product line which is Red Bull. Recently, other companies have attempted to encroach into Red Bull’s core product  domain by selling similar products. Naughty G attempts to differentiate itself from Red Bull by offering different flavours such as cola and green tea, as well as a raunchy X factor. Shark is priced as more affordable to Red Bull but is more intense. Red Bull also belongs within the caffeinated drinks category. Competitors within this category include coffee drinks from Nescafe and Starbucks. 2 Red Bull’s strengths are its authenticity, unique formula and its proven effectiveness. Much speculation is held over how the formula works, and is the subject of academic literature. While it is discouraged by health professionals because of various reasons, many urban legends exist about Red Bull and its supposedly therapeutic properties. Red Bull’s weaknesses are its steep price point and its terrible taste. Red Bull is not a drink anyone would want to drink for breakfast. Opportunities for Red Bull are market segments which could use the product benefits. For example, tertiary students were recently identified as people who drink lots of Red Bull because of the need to stay awake while studying for exams. Threats to Red Bull are its company’s dependence on a single product. Environmental factors affecting the company include the latest research regarding the product. Red Bull has been subject to studies which say that the product is unhealthy or unsafe for regular consumption. As a result, there is a sizeable portion of the general public who would stay away from the product or advise their peers to stop drinking Red Bull. Because of these studies, Red Bull has even been banned in Germany, France, Denmark and Norway for various reasons like excessive caffeine, taurine or even amphetamine derivatives. Recently, the European Commission lifted these bans due to lack of evidence. As a company marketed towards young trendsetters, the challenge for the company is to stay ahead with the latest developments in the entertainment scene and support local communities and their events. Recently, smaller companies from all over the world started pushing their own energy drinks. These companies do not have an extensive distribution network like Red Bull, so Red Bull is taking advantage of this by establishing its own media channels and producing original content. The Target Segment it Serves Red Bull targets market segments which it feels can strongly use its product benefit, i.e. a major energy boost to help performance. In line with this product benefit, it supports youth tribes and subcultures elevate their art to a whole new level by organizing and supporting their events. By targeting the few trendsetters and early adopters, Red Bull uses the network effect to stay at the forefront of society. Red Bull’s primary target segment is the 18-25 yr age group. The product is based around a fundamental need of this demographic, so to understand where it is useful, we must first construct a consumer narrative of the 3 target group within this demographic. This is a useful psychographic indicator used in brand positioning. Success is core to the Red Bull consumer. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this success ranks as egoistical and self-actualization, above more basic needs. He is an ordinary person and hero who seeks to be only the best at what he does, to achieve full potential. He looks up to role models who have already made it and are pioneers at what they do. The consumer’s main concern is staying real, fresh and within the circle, and in the scene. Within this exclusive circle of friends, his peers acknowledge mutual respect. The Red Bull consumer may be a thrill seeker, or a cubicle commando. His main fears are not being able to maintain his current lifestyle. From this archetypal analysis we can identify certain shared values of Red Bull target consumers and align our marketing campaign to complement them. 4 Typically, people who might belong to the profile are students, shift workers such as taxi drivers, doctors on call, and extreme sports athletes. To this group of consumers, Red Bull is like a â€Å"cheat code†, or a â€Å"quick fix† to gain an unfair advantage due to the energy boost. It forms the basis for the reason why regular consumers of Red Bull are believers of the product. The collegiate nature of such professions encourages peer approval through wordof-mouth. The nightlife, party and entertainment scene is another core market segment. Ask any clubber to name a non-alcoholic party  drink, and Red Bull scores in top-of-mind awareness. Part of Red Bull’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is its authenticity. Rumours regarding the Red Bull formula and government bans of the product in some countries have cemented the product’s egregious reputation. Thus, Red Bull is perceived as the ‘real deal’. It is nonalcoholic and is a powerful stimulant; a drink for grownups. Products / Services of Red Bull Red Bull GmbH sells only one product line which is Red Bull energy drink. The core product is a solution for fatigue. On each can this core product benefit is explicitly stated: â€Å"developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion†. The actual product is the energy drink which contains high levels of caffeine and taurine stimulants as well as B vitamins which aid in bodily metabolism. The brand or augmented product are the intangible benefits which function at many levels to be discussed later. Red Bull is â€Å"speed in a can†. Red Bull Classic is indigenous and unique to South East Asia. It is marketed separately to represent a different subset of the values which Red Bull represents. The gold can variety is preferably sold in coffee shops at a cheaper price point. It is thicker than the silver can Red Bull and is non-carbonated. The can is compact and thick, almost impossible to crush. The gold can is sturdy and designed to compete in the same category as local herbal tonics such as Tongkat Ali Power Root. In Singapore, Red Bull Classic comes in a 20% less sugar variety known as Singapore’s Choice. Red Bull silver can was the result of the partnership of founders Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya. Dietrich worked with Chaleo Yoovidhya and several unnamed food scientists to create a version of Red Bull that would appeal to Western taste buds. The new formula was less thick and carbonated like fizzy soda. Variants of the silver can are the sugar-free variety and Red Bull Cola brand extension. The Red Bull silver can variety is considered the international version and all marketing efforts consistent to it are coordinated from Red Bull GmbH in Austria. Having two established main product varieties strengthens Red Bull’s core business to venture into brand extensions. The ownership structure of Red Bull GmbH is like a partnership model, freeing itself from corporate formalities that would make some companies appear less genuine and disconnected. Red Bull’s brand extension is built around the marketing efforts of the main product, and reinforces sales for the main product. Red Bull publishes its own magazine, Red Bulletin, and has its own TV station, Red Bull TV, in its recent venture into the media industry. It satisfies the need for independent media and features the world of Red Bull events and its community of surfers, skaters, skydivers, snowboarders, graffiti artists, b-boys, DJs, emcees and other cultural icons. Most drink Red Bull; it is remarkable that all are somehow connected by Red Bull events. 6 Marketing Management Philosophy Red Bull marketing primarily centers around the silver can variety. The silver can is marketed with the societal philosophy in mind. Is Red Bull merely selling a drink, or selling a solution of the needs that are associated with a particular lifestyle? Red Bull complements certain realities of working long hours or physical exertion. A brand’s association with a particular culture, subculture or ‘tribe’ influences consumer buying decision. Studies have shown that top-of-mind awareness strongly relates to point-of-purchase decision. Also, an interesting fact is that companies with greater top-of-mind awareness spend less advertising dollar per consumer than companies with lower top-of-mind awareness. Thus, Red Bull can afford  to keep advertising to a minimum while focusing on building a direct connection to the consumer via active community engagement. Red Bull is a stakeholder in many street-side communities and helps elevate urban arts to the next level. Analysis of consumer needs reveals common areas â€Å"quick fix† and â€Å"real deal†. This implies that it is believably true that Red Bull can solve your problems and enhance your life. From here, we look at the range of market segments which show a demand for Red Bull. The students, doctor or extreme sports athlete is an ‘ordinary guy’ with a massive task ahead. This is where Red Bull comes in. The â€Å"quick fix† turns the ordinary guy into a ‘hero’. This implies that Red Bull is the ‘magic’ to ‘do more’. After metaphorical association and much brainstorming, ‘do more’ relates to the ordinary guy suddenly being able to ‘fly’. Thus its slogan is â€Å"Red Bull Gives You Wings†, with the drink as the ‘Magician’ archetype. It is done in the â€Å"Jester† style to show that Red Bull maintains a challenger brand philosophy despite its dominance in the category . 7 Methods of Promoting Red Bull Using semiotics, the silver can is shaped like a battery, with the logo of two bulls head to head against each other against a rising sun in the middle. This is symbolic of energy and bravery. The diagonal color divisions look like a lightning bolt and a checkerboard flag symbolic of the word ‘go’. At $3.10 a can, Red Bull is usually the most expensive nonalcoholic beverage on the shelf. It is a premium-priced product, but it tastes terrible. It is clear that this product will not sell without a successful marketing campaign. Red Bull gained its massive popularity initially by remaining underground, not advertising, and being bold enough without being radical or outlandish. Aggressive product placement and below the line advertising was key. During parties and school events organized by students, Red Bull would send its famous Red Bull girls to distribute cartons of Red Bull for free. Red Bull would also provide its own space-age turntable  console. Vehicles decorated with Red Bull corporate id was a form of through the line advertising. Product placement of Red Bull in stores is in specially designed fridges which were frequently stolen. Owning a Red Bull fridge is like having your own pinball machine. It was the impetus for a successful viral marketing campaign and expansion of its distribution network in its relatively new markets such as USA and Canada. Only after product success was above the line advertising carried out.